About The District
The Sierra Valley Groundwater Management District (SVGMD) was authorized under State Senate Bill No. 1391 in 1980 to protect and oversee the management of the groundwater within the Sierra Valley basin. SB 1391 defined the legal boundaries and regulatory authority of the District and authorized its creation by a joint exercise of powers agreement between Plumas and Sierra Counties. The District encompasses approximately 292,000 acres (456 square miles) in Plumas and Sierra Counties.
SVGMD monitors groundwater levels using monitoring wells located throughout the District, meters all active large-capacity wells (100 gallons per minute or larger and any with larger than 6-inch casings), prepares technical reports and evaluations on groundwater, reviews development project proposals within District boundaries and executes all other powers invested in the district by SB 1391 and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
The Sierra Valley Groundwater subbasin (DWR basin # 5-12.01) is currently ranked a Medium-Priority Basin under the California’s 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). As a groundwater agency that was created by statute, SVGMD is deemed the exclusive Groundwater Sustainability Agency under SGMA for the area of the Sierra Valley Groundwater Basin within District boundaries. Groundwater basins with a Medium Priority ranking are required to develop a Groundwater Sustainability Plan by January 31, 2022. If you are interested in receiving updates and participating in the Groundwater Sustainability Plan development process, please email a request to be added to SVGMD’s SGMA stakeholder list using the email address at the bottom of this page.
Jenny Gant (board clerk) - sierravalleygmd@sbcglobal.net